Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Sup. Okay so here are the photos.
This was during MUET. We were so happy it was all over that we even enjoyed taking pictures in the toilet. haha.

[Mamara, Ehuey, moi]

Okay, that was MUET. Below are presents from people I love! Thanks guys!! =)
[from Ehuey. I know you like this one but I took it first. hehehe.]

[also from Ehuey. Me likey.][from Szemun. Like hello? My name on a cap? How cool is that? haha.]
[from my sis, Lisa. Hell... I was just kidding about the wishlist thing. Unfortunately she was serious. haha.]
[Here's my grand prize!! muahahahahaha. *ki siao* I've been wanting this since foreverrr!! hahaha.]


I would like to thank all of my friends and family for the wishes. Especially those who wished me from overseas (I know you cracked your head to count the time difference dy. hehe). And thanks also to those who wished me 2 hours earlier (yea you gil) or a bit later, few days or weeks or months or years. It doesn't matter. And special thanks to 38 gang and my sis for the surprise. =) Appreciate it a lot! So next year if you guys speak hokkien I know it's another surprise. hahaha. And of course thanks to everyone who wished me and wasted their few cents to call/sms. Seriously la, this year was something. Thanksss again!! Love you guys!! Muaxx!!

Oh and Happy Birthday Mimi!! And happy halloween too!! Hope you have a nice one!! It was nice to talk to you. And to hell all the lansi people. Do your thang baby!! Just do your sounds and movements. haha. Take care. Muaxx!!

*MiSuLa!! Lets go for speech day next year. hahaha. =)