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Sup. Yep yep yep. It's that time of the year again where you get to go back for a week to 'take a break' from all the uni stress. Honestly, I'd call this one week 'holiday' as study week. haha.Okay anyway, about two weeks ago, I had a conversation with a small kid. In case you're wondering, it's a he. I'm guessing he should be around 3 or 4 or 5 maybe? Although he said he was one year old when I asked him how old he was. Seriously, can a one year old talk fluently like us? Yeah? You think so? Well, Einstein maybe but not me.Okay, you guys know those tatami jigsaw mats they use sometimes in a gym or for martial arts? If you don't, they look something like this.
[These are called the tatami jigsaw mats. To me it's kinda 'colorful']
[These are how the edges of each tatami looks like when not connected with one another. And they kinda remind me of playdough or some kid's toys.]I was nearby a lorry, helping out my friends with the tatami when this short (yes. I know. I'm short too) curly-haired kid asked me (well, I kinda talked to the kid first coz I was bored as hell. =p). For your info, some of the tatami mats were still stacked up inside the lorry where the the kid's eyes were glued at."Akak, akak nak letak ni dekat mane?""Hah? Oh nak simpan dekat dalam.""Simpan? Kat mane?""Oh. Simpan kat mane? *raising eyebrow and grinning* simpan... dekat dalam stor sane la""Kenape nak simpan?""Uh... Sebab dah gune dah. Kena la simpan. Nanti orang lain boleh pakai.""Hah? Sape nak pakai?""Sape sape la.""Pakai untuk ape?""Uh... untuk... erm.... *scratching my head searching for inspiration* gune untuk alas. Orang nak duduk ke, jalan ke..."Okay so that conversation kinda went on for quite awhile coz the kid kinda asked the same ol' questions over and over again till I broke the loop by asking him,"Kenape? Fariz nak main eh?"Surprisingly enough (not really. I was expecting this actually), he nodded and grinned, showing his not-so-pretty teeth while swaying from side to side. I was like, can I pull your hair? Nah, kidding. I'm not that mean. Anyway, after he nodded, he told me those mats looked like his toys at home except that his toys are of smaller size. haha. DUH!!As annoying as he could be, I have to admit, I would be just as curious as he was at that age, at that time. Gosh. Can't imagine how it would be like if I have children like that in the future. Arghh!! Just thinking about that gives me the creeps. You know, the part that almost made me wanna smack the kid was that he kept asking questions. And not questions that you can answer. Those kinda questions where you just wanna say, "how am I suppose to know. Ask the dog la." Okay. Maybe that was too mean. Okay maybe questions like, "Hey, why do you walk?" or "Hey why do wear a shirt?" or "Why do you have two eyes?" or something like that. Kid, bless you.
I just thought of something. Shit. Maybe I was like that kid when I was small. *gasp* I truly hope NOT.
Sup. Friday's Epm1016 class was soooo sandwichy. It was chun chun 2.30 pm (or maybe a little after that) when I arrived and I already saw people bringing chairs from next door. I was like, okayyy can't be that many people can there? When I entered I was like, holy crap! I think I should go back. haha. No no. Lucky thing Gursharan was extremely kind and gave me his chair and searched for another for himself and his friends. Wait. He actually gave his seat to his friends. How kind. haha. Okay, the main point here is I thought I was the latest among my friends when 10 minutes later pak aji, faiz, lionel, HANIF, agnes, dean, kevin and his gang entered the class. hahaha. I was like wondering where they're gonna seat. And of course the answer is on the 'lovely' floor.
[Yes. We were at the very back of the class. HANIF took this photo. HANIF also spent his time wisely by taking random photos of himself and others.]And omg. At the end of the class Fikry 'shoo-ed' us out of the class for us to sign the attendance coz he had another class after that. Crazy la...When the night came, HANIF and I made our way to Grand Hall for the Voices concert, met Joyah, Agnes, Amara and waited and waited and waited for a freakin' looooooong time for dear danny and his *cough cough* friend, Suraya. AND I met Nisha!!!! OMG. It was soooooo great to see her!! That time was actually my second time meeting her! Can you believe that? It's that hard to meet her you know. Well anyways, waited for Joyah's friend and my friend also. When I went in, there was no more seat for me =( but of course, since I have such wonderful friends who didn't mind sharing seats, I eventually got my ass rested. Thank you guys! Muah! haha. Everything was great especially Bittersweet!!! They were really sweeeeeeeeeeeetah! haha. I fell in love with the drummer, drummer (supposed to sound like Che'nelle's song. haha.) ! He was freakin' awesome!! His beat isn't like other local music so I solute you for that. And I love Hujan's lead guitarist! So awesome too! I didn't know any of Hujan's song but I managed to sing the first line from the chorus. "Pagi yang gelap, kini sudah terang..." Thanks to Joyah and Amara for the assistance. haha. And yes yes, OAG was awesome!!! Radhi was like really hyper and vivacious and gave his all during the concert. Oh and he sindir Faizal Tahir about taking off his shirt case. hahaha. Lawak la. All in all, the concert was great! Except for some of the idiots who smoked inside the freakin' hall. Hello? Do you not have any freakin' brain? I tell you, along the way to the toilet, for a moment I thought I was at a fag fest. Pening sial.
[We were at the toilet coz some ho-hum band was playing and my eyelids kept dropping every few seconds so I decided to tag along with Amara and Agnes to the toilet. HANIF wasn't in the toilet with us]After the concert we (except Amara coz she was freakin' tired but HANIF wasn't) went to Presint 9 for a super late supper. One of Hafiz's car window wouldn't close. Damn kesian okay. In the end, locking the gear was all he could do. *sigh* What a pity. I think we (HANIF was one of them) went back around 4++ am. I think. Not so sure about that.
And HANIF is still sick. Awww.....
p.s. Dy! Mi! I met Ibi and Losh. And as usual la... Ibi's poyoness has increased. *roll eyes*
Sup. I had in-lab assignment this morning and it was really really zha dao. OMG. I don't know and I don't care what you guys think but I tell you Syed and I were cursed. That's right. That freakin' computer was against us. We were being really nice to the computer and we didn't even torture it at all!!! Why oh why must you disown us??? Okay the problem was, everytime we wanted to run the program, some parse error will come out and always at the same freakin' place. A freakin' bracket. What's up with that bracket? Don't ask me, I have no idea!! And one time, the problem was line 14. And when we checked what was at line 14, there was nothing. Yes, NOTHING. Like, what's wrong with not typing anything there??? Gosh. Both of us were like siao lang already like really wanna die and extremely wu nai to the power of infinity and kinda like almost giving up. Towards the end of the session, we wrote our program EXACTLY like Agnes's and still, it wouldn't run. Like WT-freakin'-F!!?? It was totally the same!! How could it not run? Okay so, we removed the ';' and still got the same error. And then we put it back. And removed it again. Still, it wouldn't run. *sigh* We kept changing some stuff here and there till there was only 5 mins left and our tutor suggested that we just write down our solution and make the table manually, without the loops since there was no time. And so like a mad fella I typed out all the printf and scanf craps and made a table. When everything was perfect (at least that's what I thought), we tried to run the program, the same freakin' annoying error came out. We were like, that's it. Don't care. Zero pun zero la. Mampus kau la. When the tutor came to our table and checked our program (the one that's exactly like Agnes's), he said,"put a semi colon there". And when we did, surprise, surprise... The program was alright and we could run it. The only problem was, there was something wrong with the formula so we couldn't get the correct values for B. Syed and I were like shocked and stunned and [fill in the blank]. Like wtf. Earlier, I don't know how many freakin' times we tried running the program it wouldn't freakin' run!!!! OMG. I shall not sit there for the next in-lab. Freakin' spooky. Shiver me timbers! Arr!