Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Adventure of an unsuccessful 'undercovering'

It was an ordinary night. Just like any other night, my roomie and I were studying in our room till around 12.30am when suddenly she said,
"Akak dahaga la. Jom pegi 7-e,"
(The conversation isn't exactly like that. Of course, I shortened it.)

Earlier that day, the warden came to our unit to tell the 'upsetting' news that the fridge that THEY wanted so much were sold. Aww.... How sad. It's okay. There's always another fridge. Right? Back to what I was saying, she ended up telling us about robbery, rape, and a lot more cases around this area that happened recently. MY AREA. It is now considered a black area. I didn't really hear the whole story coz when I came back everyone was in Sheyda's room already. So I just joined in.

"Awak boleh pakai cap tak?" she asked me out of the blue.
"Hah? Oh... Pasal kes yang warden cakap tu eh? Ok ok. Boleh... Tapi... *grinning* saye rase saye takde cap la. *laughing* Jap. saye tanye diorang," I replied and immediately asked one of my senior for a cap, which I finally got one. The cap was distressingly the least I expected it to be. I was awaiting for it to be more manlike? Like the one I used to have?
"Akak! ROXY? *cannot-accept-the-fact-face*,"said I, showing the cap to my roomie.
"*laughing* Ala... Boleh la... Tak nampak sangat kot,"she replied, while wearing her 'tudung'.
I tied my hair (I looked like an idiot) high up like a freakin genie and put on the cap. CRAP. Okay fine. I did look a lil like a guy. If only 'they' were a lil flatter. haha. Well, if you come near me, you can tell that I'm a she.

Have you ever seen a guy wearing a baby blue color ROXY cap? How would you look at the person? Like, what the hell? Right? Yeah. Just imagine, that was me yesterday. So... from our apartment till the main road, 'undercover' succeeded. Again, we successfully crossed the road after that and finally, my roomie was already looking for a drink in 7-eleven. While I was 'undercovering', two idiotic-looking terengganu guys came in. Uh-uh. Not good. That was when I blew my 'undercover' status. Okay, it was kinda my fault. I called my roomie KAK, 'they' weren't so flat *cough* (you know what I mean), and I blew it. One of the guys was trying to get close to my roomie. It was so freakin obvious. I could tell.
Pulling my hand and heading out the door, she said,"kite gi Mesra dulu la. mamat tu semacam je."
"ok..."I replied, following her lead.
We chilled for awhile at Mesra, few shops away from 7-eleven. That was when my roomie told me I blew the cover. haha. Yeah I know. We were laughing out heads off about it and waiting for those two idiots to come out.
"What's taking them so long?" I wondered.
Abruptly, my roomie said,"akak rase tak sedap hati la. call abang Tom la."
I was like, why would you wanna do that? But realising that I blew my cover, it's not a bad idea. Eagerly, I let go my hair. It feels much better. You know, shite can happen anytime and anywhere. I've been room mates with her and I can tell that her instinct is strong. So... yeah.

20 minutes passed by and a guy came to our table. Introducing, Abang Tom. My roomie's best friend. They're really close. We crapped till around 1.10am when my roomie told him that she wanted to buy a drink. And we told him the whole story. He walked us back to EP. So.... that was the adventure of an unsuccesful 'undercovering'.

**Earlier today, in the afternoon, while I was cracking my head to solve this physics question, my roomie told me to check out the page she had opened. I read it and I thought,"we were so damn lucky." Guess what? There was a robbery around that area at 2am. To make matter worst, the picture was taken right in front of the restaurant we chilled at yesterday, MESRA. However, we still don't know how accurate the news is. I mean like, it's the type of news that they put it on random bulletins. People can create it right? Besides, it's MMU. There's plenty of flawed news nowadays.

The lesson for today is don't go out at night unless you're in a big group or you're with a guy *cough*. haha. Argh!! I have HD on monday!! I'm so dead!! I think I should stop on physics and start reading HD. That's all for now. Ciao.

p.s. baby blue roxy cap? wtf!? I'm gonna get a cap for a better undercover mission. hahaha.


Suzann said...

BABE wtf were u thinking?
going out midnight just like that? and only 2 girls!! R u crazy!
Yea, get a guy next time, and make sure a guy that u can trust. Any shit can happen nowadays u know especially if ur area is dark and doesnt have much people hanging out during that time.
OMG babe, wtf next time dont do it! N u know those mat rempit guys rite, no offense la but, DY! i didnt know u do these kinda stuffs! i mean i thought ure always the goody kind but still, its fcuking dangerous ok. OMG dy, use ur brain! becareful n take care! u wont wanna regret if anything happens.
If ur area at tat nite like damn dark and nobody, dont go out la. its not like subang all the mamak full of people at night. still we have so many theft cases here. take care! think about it!