Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Gong Xi Fa Cai!!

Sup. First of all, Happy Chinese New Year!!! It's the year of a pig right? Man, sorry guys but I don't
like pigs... I like dragons... =)

This is how I 'celebrated' Chinese New Year... hehe.



Anyway, I know I disappeared again. So, lots of stuff had been goin on lately. Like last week, quarter of the class went for Benjamin's farewell party at some steamboat place that I don't know what it's called. It was okay. Forgot to take picture with Ben... *sigh* Never mind. He's gonna study in KL so I think we can meet up sometime.

On thursday I went for the Alpha to Beta talk and it was so darn boring that I think I'd rather study physics than listen to that talk. I mean like, he wasn't helping at all!! Don't know what crap he was talking about. Like oookayyy... Whatever. I did listened to some important stuff though. Like, when we have to register the course. I'm not that bad, am I? =)

Finally got to go back on friday morning!! So good to be back... Started the holiday by lazying around, using the computer 24/7, watching tv, eating junks and sleeping. Sien... I should be doing some physics or chemistry or applied math or sumthin right? I mean like, after this holiday, there's gonna be test like every week and assignment dues and mid-terms and drama preparations and other things that'll keep me busy. And I mean VERY BUSY. I shall be prepared. *sigh*

By the way, yesterday I saw sumthin shocking on the news. Britney is bald. Yeah. Like I don't know why she did that. Marion, the hitz.fm dj said she wanted attention. haha. Probably true.

Darling, sorry to bother you with the blog skin thingy. hehe. I just suck at this. Next time you really must teach me so that I can do it myself. Thanks ya.... See you soooooon......