Moving on, last Friday we (you know who guys you are) celebrated Amara & Danny's birthday. We celebrated Danny's birthday earlier coz he wanted to play futsal after his birthday. Ceh. Play la some other time. Anyway, the party was at Syed's place and it was awesome!! At first, it was kinda sad, but when more people came, eventually, the party became more happening!! Wohoo!! You can read Danny and Agnes's blog for the details so I'm just gonna put up some photos and maybe videos.
[These are some of the food that night. Yea. It was très très délicieux! And look at the cake. It says 'Happy Birthday TOM YAM and DOUBLED!!' hahaha. Tom yam is of course, none other than Amara and Doubled is Danny.]
[This is just a candid photo I took during the party. In this photo, you can see some humans' legs and Vira's friends. Oh btw, Vira is Amara's brother. hehe.]
Oh I just remembered something. Danny, Syed and Hanif did some weird and crazy and retarded dance during party and I think I recorded it. I'll post up the video when I get the chance to. After we were done with eating, we played cards and some played soccer on ps, some played with Micha. Micha is Danny's cat and he is vair vair cute! Around 3am like that, I think almost everyone was unconscious. But some of us still had the energy to play ps and cards. After that we went to the mamak at Cyberia and had our super late supper.
I tell you, the cooks were great. I didn't get the chance to take a photo of Pak Aji in action but he cooked and the dish was great!
p.s. Guys are jerks. Before you guys shoot me, lemme tell you that this has nothing to do with the party or any of you guys. Like duh! You guys are goody good friends! =)
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