For PEM, we started a new chapter called 'Fourier Series' and our lecturer said the guy is a french so it is pronounced as fourie not forier. You know, like the french style, you silent the 'r'. haha. And to me, he's better than the two atuks. haha. He talks damn loud, damn clear and his explanations are understandable. Sit as far as you want, his voice is smart enough to find its way to everyone's ears! haha.
Just a random question.
Have you ever worn the same clothes and pants for 3 days straight? If so, how does it feel like? Okay, I'm not talking about if you're in the woods on expedition or some sort. I'm just talking about normal everyday routine, you know. Today I saw sumthin' funny related to this question so just wanna know what you guys think. *grin*
Mid terms are over but it's time for assignments!!!!!!! *sigh*
Oh I almost forgot! Just now in the toilet I had gone nuts that I suddenly thought of camwhoring and thought I'd give it a try. haha.
*Ah man, your car is haunted coz it makes me go crazy everytime I'm in it. =)
**Dy! Dier poyo la... hehe.
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